9 Tips to Dodge Building Price Blunders

"Are you tired of being taken for a ride by deceptive building prices? Fed up with slick-talking 'professionals' who care more about lining their pockets than serving your needs? It's time to reclaim control. Let us guide you with expert tips and strategies to dodge these pitfalls and protect your hard-earned money."Every day we hear a lot of people getting fooled with building prices and we know the pain of getting fooled with so- called professionals who are money-hungry and smart enough to make you trust them. We will try to give you some tips and directions to make you avoid them. As I have been fooled to a lot and I want to help you.


  1. The biggest mistake in construction is to trust contractors or people and don't put things on paper like a good contract with specifications.

  2. Many clients don't take time for building preparation and half begun is half done. They buy and don't compare.

  3. The contractor needed a job, so he offered a low (unrealistic) price to get you in as a client, which in most cases will end in extra cost. Mostly they use cheap labor, which in most will cost extra time and result in poor quality.

  4. There is no supervision, which will end up in building techniques, money, and planning problems. 

  5. There is no complete contract and penalties don't exist.

  6. The use of low-quality material.

  7. Zero to limited work preparation, and work drawings, which will ease the building construction and the planning.

  8. No specified bill of quantities, which will end up with extra bills.

  9. The building structure is over-dimension, the structural engineer made every structure extra big which results in higher and unnecessary costs.

My advice for people is:

  1. Always ask at least 3 different (sub)contractors for a price to have a good comparison.

  2. Make a technical contract with a specified job description. (Bestek /specifications and conditions)

  3. Make building preparation drawings " half begun is half done"

  4. Always look for references & testimonials of the (sub)contractor.

  5. Hire a supervisor and building engineer to oversee the project. Hire a specialist, building engineering is a scientific research profession.

  6. Make your project in multiple phases also in the floor plan so that you always have a piece of the building finished to live in when things don't go well. I prefer more phases not like the bank but more phases are safer as you have more control banks do 5 phases but 5 phases of 100000 USD is 20000 USD but from 500000 USD is 100000 USD which is not easy to manage, split it in more phases and you have more control

  7. YOBO You Only Build Once, please take notice and be careful take your time and orientate to make your steps.



We can help you to make cost estimations and choose the best contractors.

The building prices in Aruba for houses are between 1500 and 2000 dollars per square meter.

If you want to build green and sustainable, you must add 15% to 25% more to the building cost. Then you will save every month and every year money and you will invest in a better sustainable future.

We can help you find property and help you find certificated contractors to help you with supervision or manage the construction for you with our own construction company.